Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Last Treatment of the Year is Done.

Treatment day today was very intense.  It started out very nicely with me no blood in the urine test and a very easy installation.  The weather was very nice this morning and I walk/jogged my typical 2 miles at the start of the two hour holding period.  Then the six hours of practically constant motion of drinking fluids and voiding the bladder.  I lost more blood today than probably all of the other treatment days combined.  The cumulative effect of three treatments back to back really wreck havoc with my bladder and I'm now more understanding of why it is hard to get to the end of the 27 treatments.  I have 6 treatments to go and we will start again in April after a clear cystoscope on April 9th.

My son, Andy, was home to help me today, but because of the frequency of my trips to the bathroom, he was needed as much as I had hoped on the flush patrol.  But, he did make some great chocolate chip cookies and homemade chicken noodle soup, which were probably the best help I needed today.

The tally for the was a hugely draining day today (no pun intended).   The normal treatment day chills quit around the end of the 8 hours.  Already started to take some Tylenol for my body aches.  Extremely happy that it is over and that I have 6 months to get my strength back.