Thursday, October 24, 2013

#20 Was No Fun

Treatment #20 Day was a tough day.  It started good with an easy installation (broke in another new nurse) and a nice two mile walk during the holding period.  But, it went downhill from there.  The frequency of voiding the bladder was a record high and for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours it was every 15 minutes, which is way too many.  Bleeding was back as I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting it to last until bedtime.  It does tell you that the Treatments are working, even if it is not any fun to see.  Chills were not as bad this week, but the pain levels certainly went up.  By the end of the day, I had a very sore bladder and needed some Advil to get to sleep.  It was a day that reminded me why we make the statement, "he is fighting cancer."  I've been very fortunate that many of my treatment days were relatively smooth and easy.  Yesterday was not one of them.  Last treatment of the year is next Wednesday and then only two series left next year in May and December.

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