Monday, April 28, 2014

Two Days Until Next Test

It's been a while since I last posted on my blog and I thought it was time to let everyone know that I'm two days away from my next cancer testing.  I go into the clinic at 8:20am on Wednesday to have the next cystoscope procedure done.  If all clear, we should start the next three rounds of BCG treatments two week later and go through the end of May.  These treatments are preventative in nature and are the reason (besides prayer) that my cancer has not returned.  If all goes well, I will finish up with the last three treatments in Nov/Dec of this year.

Pray for a smooth and pain free procedure with clear results.  It is always a very difficult procedure to go through, but it is a much more effective way of finding any early stage cancer cells versus the CT Scan.

I'm feeling very good right now and continue to believe that we have the cancer at bay.  I will post on Wednesday the results.

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