Tuesday, October 25, 2011

BCG Treatments

My BCG treatments started on June 22, 2011.  Six treatments over seven weeks.  I spent a lot of time researching the treatments and found a great blog called, "Got Bladder Cancer?" that really helped prepare me for what I was about to experience.  

The treatments consist of inserting fluid into my bladder that has the TB virus in it.  After 2 hours, I void my bladder and then start drinking like a fish for the next 6 hours.  During the six hours, I have to add 2 cups of bleach into the toilet each time I void my bladder, so that the virus is killed before going into the sewer system.  I also disinfect the toilet seat and sides as well each time, so it is never a quick trip to the lou.    During the 6 hours I have been drinking an average of 48 ounces of fluids, so the trips to the bathroom are frequent.  The 8 hours are pretty intense and I pretty much do nothing but drink and pee, so by the end of the day, I'm wiped out.  The reason for drinking so much is that it takes away any burning when I void my bladder.

My six treatments went very well for the most part.  I was expecting the treatments to get worst with each one based on my research.  My doctor said that some times they get worst and some times they get better.  For the first five treatments they got a little better each time.  The last treatment went the other way and was the toughest of the six.  While I drank the same amount of water and lemonade as the previous treatments, I had to void my bladder about 5 more times than normal during the 6 hours.  My bladder was definitely not liking the BCG and was trying to empty itself as often as possible.

My only side effect from my first series of treatment was fatigue.  I was always tired for about two months.  Instead of getting up in the morning at 5:30 to go run 3 miles, I would hit the snooze and stay in bed for another hour.  I didn't miss any work (other than treatment afternoon) but I was always tired.  I'm a person that does not like to nap for more than 15 minutes or I would feel lethargic the rest of the day.  During my treatment weeks, I could take a Sat. or Sun. afternoon nap for a couple of hours and feel better.

I named this blog, Running Against Bladder Cancer, because as I get ready to face three more rounds of BCG treatments, I plan on trying to continue my running this time and fight through the fatigue.  I always felt that I was too tired to run during my June and July treatments, so it will be interesting to see if I can pull it off.

The BCG treatments cycles will be going on for two years and happen every three months.  Each cycle will be for 3 treatments, one a week.  Between the cycles, I face the Cystoscope.  It always my doctor the ability to look inside the bladder and detect the smallest of cancer much earlier than using a CT Scan.  It is not a pleasant procedure, but I found one pain pill and one valium makes it tolerable.

So, I'm 8 days away from my next treatment.  I need everyone's prayers that the treatment doesn't get any worst and that the fatigue is manageable again.  I'm actually looking forward to getting back in the grind of the three treatments and having the same results of no return of the cancer.

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