Monday, October 31, 2011

Family and friends

When I was diagnosed with cancer this spring, I learned quickly that this is a disease that effects everyone in your family.   Whether they are in your home or hundreds of miles away it is a worry for everyone on what is going to happen down the road with this terrible disease.

Nancy and Andy can monitor my progress every day (and Jessica during visits from Memphis), but my mom, who has lost two sisters to cancer was always asking me, "how are you really doing?"  So, I went home to see my mother for the 2nd time so that she can see that I'm doing great and that my appearance hasn't changed.  I was also able to see both my brothers and sister, along with my father in law and Nancy's sister, Mary and her husband, Jim.  I also met my great niece, Annika for the first time as well.

One of the highlights of the trip was taking my mom to see our former neighbors, the Simser's.  WinnAnn was diagnosed with bladder cancer this summer and recently had surgery to remove the old bladder and build her a new one.  It was a lengthy surgery, but she looked really great for only having had the surgery four weeks ago.  We've talked on the phone a couple of times since I found out we both had bladder cancer and have a new found bond that we will share for the rest of our lives.  One of the most insightful things that I heard was when Jim said in our conversation, "when WE were diagnosed." I heard the same statement one time from Phil Mickelson, when he was talking about his wife's cancer.  It really reinforced with me that when one spouse has cancer, it is really both that go through it together.  One may have the physical pain of treatments and/or surgery, but it effects the husband or wife's life just as much.

My thoughts on friends will probably take up a longer post down the road.  But, I know that Nancy and I could not get through this without the support of all our friends.  We've been blown away by the support and prayers from all my friends.  Whether from work, church or from the golf course, you all have been great. Friends ask me all the time what they can do for me and my answer has always been to just pray.  Pray that the cancer never returns and that I can endure the treatments over the next two years.

Thank you for being concerned enough for ready my blog and lend your support.  My next treatment starts on Wednesday at 1pm.  The first of a series of three treatments over the next four weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Love and prayers to both of you. Give Nancy Jean a hug from me. XXOO from Missouri
