Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Treatment #7

Treatment #7 was the toughest one yet.  The installation was unpleasant as usual and the day got worse from there.  It was 8 long hours, over 1 1/2 gallons of water in, 12 trips to the bathroom to get rid of the water, a lot of burning, one headache and 6 hours of being cold (when I'm as hot blooded as they come).   The highlight was a nice, brisk 2 mile walk during the 2 hour hold period.

My friend, Franklin sent me this word from his daily devotional and it puts everything into the right perspective.  Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  James 1.2.    This treatment is one of my trials.  It will not be my only trial or my last.  But, it will produce endurance and make me a better person.

Not my best day, but at least #7 is over, two more to go during this cycle (next treatment is Monday the 14th).  My prayer request is that I don't experience the fatigue that I had from the 1st 6 treatments.  

1 comment:

  1. Dave you and Nancy are in our prayers. Dave with your great attitude and love for others. By the sharing of your experiences will be a great blessing to many and their families. I know God will use this in a unbelievable way. We miss you guys
