Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Week of No Running

My goal of running through a week of treatment was not realized this week.  The tough installation at the start of the week was the precursor of the remainder of the week.  Fatigue hounded me throughout and running went on the shelf for the week.

Tuesday, I made it to work on time, but was still in pain whenever I needed to void my bladder.  The evening was highlighted with sharing a meal with the Rolling Hills Community Church A6 men.  The low point was having to take a pain pill to get some relief before going to bed.

Wednesday, I was feeling better and nearly done with the pain.  I had the spring back in my step for most of the day, but by the time I got home from work I was exhausted...fell asleep on the couch at bed at 9...up the next day at 6:30 and still feeling tired.  I went to my monthly poker night on Thursday, but played very loose, so that I could go home early...all-in with Big Slick, flopped a pair of Aces and lost to a straight.

Friday, I felt better and Saturday, I walked 18 holes with an up and down round with a birdie on 18.  A lot of sleep this weekend and I'm ready to start it all over again with my treatment tomorrow at 2pm.

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