Sunday, December 9, 2012

Big Day On Wednesday

This Wednesday, the 12th, I have my next cystoscope.  It's hard to believe that it has been 3 months since my last one.  It is always with trepidation that I go and have the procedure done.  The anxiety is now is more on results and less on the procedure.  This will be my 6th one in 1 1/2 years and the frequency will soon go to semi-annual for the next two years instead of quarterly.  As always, with a clear test, I will be scheduling the next set of BCG treatments in January.

I didn't know if I would like the BCG cycles going to 6 months between treatments versus 3 months.  But, I can now say that having more time to recover is nice.  I have been running now for about 4 weeks and get up in the morning ready to go, instead of wishing that I could have more time in bed.  While I would not say that I'm a morning person, I do really like getting up and getting a workout in before getting into the office.

Next post will be late afternoon on Wednesday, 12/12/12.

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