Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Running Through the Fatigue

It's been a little over a week since my last treatment.  Fatigue has staked it's claim on me again, but I'm trying to run through it.  I was able to run a couple of miles on Thanksgiving morning and then walk 18 holes at Temple Hills C.C. on both Friday and Saturday.  Saturday evening I slept for 10 hours straight, which is very unusual for me.  Monday and Tuesday morning I was unable to get up at 5:30 and set the alarm clock for an extra hour.  But today, I was able to drag myself out of bed at 5:30 and get to the office  gym for a two mile run.  I didn't run very fast, but at least I got out of bed and ran.  The run did not take away the fatigue, but at least it gave me hope that I can get up early again.  With this side effect, it just dogs me all day long.  It will be interesting to see when it stops this time after having only three treatments with this series.

I had the pleasure of speaking to a couple of guys this last week that are going through cancer treatments.  It's amazing how fast you bond with someone that has gone or is going through the same experience.  It will be good have them to lean on as we go through our treatments over the next couple of years.

Twenty seven more days and I will be flying back to Moldova for the sixth time.  I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends there, spending Cat Financial's donation for gifts and fireworks and spending time with Igor.  Anyone that would like to donate money for gifts, send me a check made out to Justice and Mercy International.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What A Difference A Week Makes!

Treatment #9 was great!  I took one pain pill before going to the doctor's office and the installation was the best of the first 9.  What a relief after last week's fiasco.

The six hours of running to the bathroom was still a brute, but this time I had very little burning.  I didn't take any more pain pills and got through the time just fine.  I was more anxious about this treatment than all the others after last week's difficulties, but God is good and it went well.

I read most of Job before going in today and it really put my situation into perspective.  Before today, my last three treatments progressively got worse, so I was fearing that I would get to the breaking point pretty soon if they continued to progress.  After today treatment I feel somewhat like Job.  We must love God regardless of what we face is a blessing or suffering.  Being tested is never easy, but hopefully in the end we will have a deeper relationship with God.

I now have 3 months to get back to normal and then on February 27th, I have my next cystoscope.  My posts may not be as frequent, but I will be reporting in from my next mission trip to Moldova, starting December 27th.  Nancy is going to be going with me this year, so it will be an exciting trip.  Then in February we will be going on a cruise, so stay tuned.

P.S. I'm amazed at the 348 page views in the first month of this blog.  Thanks for following me through my journey of not wasting my cancer.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Week of No Running

My goal of running through a week of treatment was not realized this week.  The tough installation at the start of the week was the precursor of the remainder of the week.  Fatigue hounded me throughout and running went on the shelf for the week.

Tuesday, I made it to work on time, but was still in pain whenever I needed to void my bladder.  The evening was highlighted with sharing a meal with the Rolling Hills Community Church A6 men.  The low point was having to take a pain pill to get some relief before going to bed.

Wednesday, I was feeling better and nearly done with the pain.  I had the spring back in my step for most of the day, but by the time I got home from work I was exhausted...fell asleep on the couch at bed at 9...up the next day at 6:30 and still feeling tired.  I went to my monthly poker night on Thursday, but played very loose, so that I could go home early...all-in with Big Slick, flopped a pair of Aces and lost to a straight.

Friday, I felt better and Saturday, I walked 18 holes with an up and down round with a birdie on 18.  A lot of sleep this weekend and I'm ready to start it all over again with my treatment tomorrow at 2pm.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Treatment #8, Painful from the Start

It took three tries with two different catheters today to get the BCG into my bladder.  The procedure usually takes 5 minutes took 15 minutes to complete.  To say that it was painful is an understatement.  The first thing that I did when I got home was take a pain pill.  No two mile walk today.

The 6 hours of drinking and going to the bathroom was again a long, drawn out affair today.  I took two pain pills today and a pill to coat the urethra, but it was still a pain filled 6 hours.  I told my doctor that I was questioning if I should take them and he said that he could prescribe more if needed.  I hate to think what it would have felt like without the pain pills.

I am happy to state that I did get myself out of bed last Wednesday through Friday to run early each morning.  The fatigue didn't hit until mid-morning last week and I was usually exhausted by 9 pm.  I also was able to some how avoid the food poisoning or virus that 27 associates had in the Annual Leadership Conference meeting last week.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and concern.  Next treatment is next Monday at 2pm.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fatigue Setting In

It's been 6 days since my first maintenance treatment and fatigue is setting in again.  While I should have known it was probably inevitable, it is still aggravating to have to go through.  I put down in an earlier post that I would try to run through the fatigue this time and while I failed to pull my self out of bed this morning at 5:25am, I am hoping that tomorrow will be different.

One of my friends at work asked me to post what I need him to pray for.  The answer is 1) Energy, 2) that next Monday's treatment goes easier without the burning and aggravation my bladder, and 3) that the cancer never returns.

This battle has been very humbling for me.  I went from missing only 6 days of work in 20 years to missing  6 full days and 9 half days, with more to come this year.  I went from running everyday (but Sat. golf) to missing weeks because of being too tired to get out of bed on time.  While I know that this is all part of the process, it's still hard to admit sometimes that I'm sick or battling this terrible disease.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Treatment #7

Treatment #7 was the toughest one yet.  The installation was unpleasant as usual and the day got worse from there.  It was 8 long hours, over 1 1/2 gallons of water in, 12 trips to the bathroom to get rid of the water, a lot of burning, one headache and 6 hours of being cold (when I'm as hot blooded as they come).   The highlight was a nice, brisk 2 mile walk during the 2 hour hold period.

My friend, Franklin sent me this word from his daily devotional and it puts everything into the right perspective.  Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  James 1.2.    This treatment is one of my trials.  It will not be my only trial or my last.  But, it will produce endurance and make me a better person.

Not my best day, but at least #7 is over, two more to go during this cycle (next treatment is Monday the 14th).  My prayer request is that I don't experience the fatigue that I had from the 1st 6 treatments.